Friday, August 31, 2012

The Never ending Hair After the BIG CHOP!!


I don't know about you ladies but often I watch and look at what most call "Hair Porn", websites, blogs and Vlogs set up to promote, advocate and give hair tips/advice on how to take care of natural hair, or how to deal with transitioning. If any of you ladies who Big Chopped earlier this year like myself may now have come to realize that this journey in reality is a long and tough journey....

Its amazing how YouTube videos often reflect women's hair journey that consist of a montage of hair through the stages of growth which  is about 5 minutes long...reflecting their hair from the Big Chop to the lengthy healthy Kinks, Coils, and Curls they now are proudly sporting...But that 5 min. clip Never seems to account for the reality of this journey...the long journey of growing back the hair you chopped off. 

I don't know about any of you but there are times that I think about...for a moment the old me and the permed soft silky wash & sets of yesterday....Don't get me wrong I am in it for the long run...My hair is much more healthy and the lack of head sores from perming after a week of patting my head till I felt like I patted 6-7 brain cells out my head is a benefit I am not willing to give up just yet. 

However for just one moment can I just say...No matter how many hair smoothies, conditioners, vitamins and scalp massages....The hair journey is a long and winding road!! 

I mean not to sound impatient but when you see pictures of Natural Celebs who Big Chopped and 7 months later they look like their hair grew overnight (I'm sorry but wigs are a bit misleading) I start to question my little Hair Follicles, as to what is wrong with them...

Solange's hair journey

So ladies not here to discredit the natural hair journey...But I think it is important to discuss the good, the bad, and the HAIRY...hahaha  

What do you find the hardest to deal with on this hair journey?
Comment below.

***UPDATE*** Lucky Lucy was so impressed with the amount of love they have been receiving that we will have 2 LUCKY LUCY Winners...Be sure to visit the post below to enter Giveaway Good luck ladies

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hmmm a special treat...BODY DESSERTS By LUcKy LuCY & GIVEAWAY!!!!

Over the Summer I have been hitting up quite a few natural hair meet-ups in the NYC area...and one of the meet-ups gave away samples of this heavenly HELLO GOOD MORNING Body Scrub; Body Lotion; and Body wash. To say the least once I got home and hopped in the shower and poured the HELLO GOOD MORNING body wash onto my loafah I was in love !!

The company (who launches August 2012) is known as LUCKY LUCY Body Desserts. They feature natural high quality body desserts that smell delicious, almost smell so good you may think you can eat them!!! 

The Scent I have fell in love with is the HELLO GOOD MORNING set, the scent is a mixture of a vanilla and citrus blend light yet sweet and citrus that reminds me of fresh lemon meringue pie.

Below is the story of LUCKY LUCY BODY DESSERTS, founders Nicole and Tara gave me a peak behind the doors of LLBD. With the official launch of their brand days away this August 2012 


    Co-Founders Tara & Nicole hailing from Jonesboro GA came up with the concept for LUCKY LUCY Body Desserts from a disappointed Grandmother. Nicole's grandmother Ethel Lucille aka "Lucky Lucy" was fed up with highly priced products that often were over-priced and left minimal results. From this Lucky Lucy Body Desserts was born.

    Both Nicole & Tara are Naturalistas and promote products that reflect all natural hair & body care as the best approach to be beautiful inside and out. 

     "Lucky Lucy Body Desserts came from wanting each person that brought the product or sampled something from our line to be treated to something that was unique to each person. When you're eating a dessert it is a treat and something you enjoy, that is what we want everyone to experience" Says Nicole.  

     The Name Lucky Lucy also comes from Nicole's grandmother Lucy, " Lucy is Nicole's grandmother's name so we figured that Lucky just went along quite well with it, as we were lucky to come up with such an awesome concept that beautifully married creativity with health." -Nicole 
    The natural concept was derived from Tara's grandmother Ms. Lillie, who is a doctor. "If you had a cough or a rash she was known to describe certain herbs to remedy your illness". Thus collaborating the creativity of one grandmother and the ardor of health from another birthed the perfect product Lucky Lucy Body Desserts. With Tara's grandmother Ms. Lillie on the concept team, they were able to customize products that caters to their customers needs, thus reflecting every one's uniqueness.

The products Scents that will be featured are :
  • The Lady E collection
  • Hello Good Morning
  • Bubblin' Brown Betty
 Each Set contains a body wash aka "Shower Pleaser", A lotion Souffle made with Goat's milk (it is great on skin, no greasy feeling just smooth buttery skin), and a Body Scrub aka "Body Buffer".

Prices will range from $11.50 - $14.50  for 8oz sized products

And lastly Tara & Nicole  as I mentioned are both Natural hair ladies; Tara 6 years and Nicole 2 years. I asked the ladies what advice and/or tips did they have for women who are thinking about going natural, are newly natural, or transitioning here are their thoughts:

" Be excitingly creative and have massive amounts of fun because there is no right or wrong way to personify your personal style. As we say in the LLBD factory "Don't let society dictate the truly beautiful YOU!! Closely read the labels and confidently know what works best for your skin and hair type. If your not sure drop by Twitter and FB and we will honestly try our best to help you." -Nicole & Tara

***** GIVEAWAY*****

I will be giving away Lucky Lucy Samples!!!  Enter the GIVEAWAY Below via RaffleCopter;a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you cannot access RaffleCopter  or choose not to use rafflecopter:

*Like Lucky Lucy Body Desserts LLC Fanpage Like  

* Subscribe to Princess Naturella blog

* Leave a comment on Lucky Lucy Body Desserts Fanpage "I cannot wait to try Lucky Lucy Body Desserts!!"

Leave a comment below once you have done all the above. Please Note this is for those who are subscribed and choose not to use rafflecopter. 


                                       **GIVEAWAY ENDS SEPT 22, 2012 **

Winner will be notified by email so be sure to include your email address.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can Natural hair really make or break your love life/relationships??

 Waiting in line at a Starbucks I ran into an ex who I have not seen since going natural, and the meeting seemed almost surreal...I always viewed him as the "one that got away" and upon our exchange of greetings and momentary shock, a few "oh wows", "look at you"; " I can't believe its you"  I was shocked by the next question by Mr. Ex which was "why did you cut your hair? you always had such pretty long hair", the look on his face showed he was shell shocked and at the same time a bit disappointed. 

I didn't know how to respond and the only thing I could think of was " I had a Brittany Spears moment and just cut off my hair one day" (gasp).  When there were so many other valid and poignant reasons that I cut off my permed hair.  We chit-chatted for a few more moments about people we knew from our past exchanged Facebook information and I bee lined out the Starbucks faster than you could say Sonic The Hedge Hog.

 This encounter however made me realize how some men embrace a natural sister with open arms while other men view natural sisters as "not their type".  But then I could never understand what does that mean? I mean how could hair have that much power when it comes to what men are attracted to in the opposite sex.  Most music videos and shows depict women with long permed tresses sashaying in platform heels, pencil skirts, and crisp button down white shirts.  But the reality is there are many women who have natural curls, coils, kinks, rocking closely shaved heads, to beautiful afros. Could it be men are brain-washed by images that depict black women one way only to see women in the real world embracing their natural hair and find it unacceptable?

After this brief encounter with Mr. Ex I realized that despite his surprise at my naturally textured hair I to caught myself thinking about perming my hair for a split second only to feel more accepted by Mr. Ex. 

So I wonder and would like feedback from you Naturalistas out there, has going natural caused you to lose love relationship(s) with a significant other(s)? Being natural do you find your love life has become better? Or Do you find tumble weeds and dusty empty western streets define your non-existent love life?  (provide feedback in Comments below).


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer is almost over.. Last minute Summer fun...Leggo!

Can you believe the summer is almost OVER?! that means for many return back to school, normal work weeks, and fewer days left to catch some sun and fun ...But why not enjoy whats left of the summer?! A few events listed below may even require some light traveling (weekend gateway anyone?!) Hope you enjoy and send Summer 2012 off with a hearty farewell :
Mad decent block party

Block Party open to all ages held in various parks/public spaces

***NOTE*** You Must RSVP For the on link above and please arrive on time as Venue's are expected to fill up. First Come First Serve basis.

AUGUST 5th, 2012 they will be in Brooklyn

The Ladies from AROUND THE WAY CURLS & THOSEGIRLSAREWILD.COM , Are hosting a Hair event in PHILLY PA!!! It is definitely an event to check out, and not to mention its an excuse to get away for the weekend. Check out the silly, yet fly ladies of AROUND THE WAY CURLS & THOSEGIRLSAREWILD.COM and click on the link below to RSVP. The event will feature raffles; giveaways; drinks; and gift bags...Tickets are $15.00 and I know that it will be great. I attended their CURL DAZE event a while back and it was fun.

Also check out the ladies on their blog and tumblr

I Love Free Parties has been around on Facebook for sometime now (Shout out to Host Matt Cuba), they have been known for their list of free parties, concerts, and venues all around NYC. They have a Launch Party tentatively scheduled in Aug 10 2012 in NYC. To find out more and to score Free tickets visit them on Facebook



Hosted by

If you are newly Natural Or transitioning or not even sure if you want to go Natural, Dinner with the Curl Friends is a way to meet other women/men who are natural; Transitioning; or thinking about embracing their natural hair. The event is for members only (you can sign up via there is a $5.00 registration fee but it is fun and informative. There are Prizes/giveaways and some great goody bags for attending; also all of the ladies are fun and genuine its always a great event.
Dinner With the Curl Friends (Pink & Black Affair) (to RSVP for event; they are held once a month)

You can also check out Mrs. Jenell who hosts the events on her blog and other social media outlets:
Blog -Kinky Curly Coily Me!
Facebook- KinkyCurlyCoilyMe

Also Linked Jenell's Youtube info and one of her videos below:


Another event and a Page I came across on FACEBOOK is  HAIR'S A CURE

The page promotes healthy hair growth and hair health for women who are survivors and those battling breast cancer. The event is scheduled to be held in CHICAGO however it is an event that is happening in OCT, 2012. But since it is in Chicago any one interested in going it will talk about and promote natural/healthy hair and will have giveaways and prizes as well.

Even if you cannot attend I plan on making a donation as a percentage of the proceeds go to creating the HAIR'S A CURE FOUNDATION