Sunday, August 19, 2012

Can Natural hair really make or break your love life/relationships??

 Waiting in line at a Starbucks I ran into an ex who I have not seen since going natural, and the meeting seemed almost surreal...I always viewed him as the "one that got away" and upon our exchange of greetings and momentary shock, a few "oh wows", "look at you"; " I can't believe its you"  I was shocked by the next question by Mr. Ex which was "why did you cut your hair? you always had such pretty long hair", the look on his face showed he was shell shocked and at the same time a bit disappointed. 

I didn't know how to respond and the only thing I could think of was " I had a Brittany Spears moment and just cut off my hair one day" (gasp).  When there were so many other valid and poignant reasons that I cut off my permed hair.  We chit-chatted for a few more moments about people we knew from our past exchanged Facebook information and I bee lined out the Starbucks faster than you could say Sonic The Hedge Hog.

 This encounter however made me realize how some men embrace a natural sister with open arms while other men view natural sisters as "not their type".  But then I could never understand what does that mean? I mean how could hair have that much power when it comes to what men are attracted to in the opposite sex.  Most music videos and shows depict women with long permed tresses sashaying in platform heels, pencil skirts, and crisp button down white shirts.  But the reality is there are many women who have natural curls, coils, kinks, rocking closely shaved heads, to beautiful afros. Could it be men are brain-washed by images that depict black women one way only to see women in the real world embracing their natural hair and find it unacceptable?

After this brief encounter with Mr. Ex I realized that despite his surprise at my naturally textured hair I to caught myself thinking about perming my hair for a split second only to feel more accepted by Mr. Ex. 

So I wonder and would like feedback from you Naturalistas out there, has going natural caused you to lose love relationship(s) with a significant other(s)? Being natural do you find your love life has become better? Or Do you find tumble weeds and dusty empty western streets define your non-existent love life?  (provide feedback in Comments below).


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