Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Celebrities Au Naturale....Natural Hair a faze or sign of the times that its hair to stay?

I have to ADMIT...I am an official InstaGram junkie, and I have noticed more and more celebrities challenging industries idea of genuine beauty. I have referenced a few of these  naturals below....What do you think is the media and the world trying to use the natural hair revolution as part of the New World? Or have enough everyday women who Big Chopped and have united across the globe given confidence to Celebrities to Bear it all?!

Any Thoughts?

 Chrisette Michelle (some say her and I are natural hair

 Lil' Mama * She also attributes her new found natural state as a sign from the Lord above; Apparently after getting a finger infection that resembled the shape of Africa Lil' Mama decided to give up her crazy colorful weaves and false nails for a New look...what do you think?

Celebs pictured above: Karyn Parson (Hillary on Fresh Prince of Bel Air);
Kelis; Kiesha Knight (Rudy from the Cosby's Show); Lauryn Hill; Michelle Obama; Willow Smith

If you ladies have not  heard but a great photographer known as Glenford Nunez started a project called the Coiffure Project. This Project has been photographing women who wear their hair in  its natural state. He was on Kick-starter attempting to raise funds to purchase supplies to print all of the photos for an upcoming exhibit on Sept 15, 2012 in Maryland. If you would like to check out the great photos and perhaps attempt to contact Glenford to still donate (kick-starter fundraiser ended 2 days ago as of today 7/24/12, with his goal UNMET).

It literally would be nice to see the Natural hair community  gather around such a wonderful project to show support and donate, most of all to embrace our Natural state of hair and let society know this isn't a faze, natural hair is Hair to STAY!!
Like my mama told me "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" be sure to check out the project video below:

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