Monday, July 23, 2012

New Launch from AROUND THE WAY CURLS!!

So you all know the growing out stage can be boring and requires a lot of PATIENCE!!  I am still in TWA (Tweeny Weeny Afro ) stage and often look for ways to change up my look. If you are like me you get bored quick here's some hair B.L.I.N.G that can add some "WOW" factor to your day or evening look

These ladies are well known bloggers/vloggers (Around The Way Curls), esteemed BFF's Antoinette (left) & Shanti (right) have launched their hair accessories website and are open for business. It seems these prints are all the rage for the summer and at $10 each you are not breaking the bank. I ordered No Woman No Cry and Vibrant Thang..I cannot wait for the items to arrive. 

What do you think about these hair accessories?  Which would you buy/wear? 

How would you wear them?

Be sure to check out their website


  1. We can't wait to buy some of those bows!!

  2. They are so cool still haven't gotten my package but as soon as I do will post..Thanks for your Blogging support ;0)
