Tuesday, July 31, 2012

COD LIVER OIL...A growth enhancing deep conditioner for your hair

I don't know about you but I remember as a kid making the same face but hearing about all the benefits of Cod Liver Oil on the hair and body. Being that I have been going through the crazy TWA "GROW OUT" phase I have been researching ways to increase hair growth. Cod Liver oil when taken in Supplemental form is great to promote hair growth and has even been reviewed to assist with reversing signs of balding. Below I have included both internal and external use of Cod Liver oil, as it can be used directly on your hair (although the smell is strong will need to mix in either essential oils ex: Peppermint oil, to help weaken the smell). 

Besides I could never take the taste or the "after burp" of fish oil...anyway recipe for hair mask below...Will post before and after use of Cod Liver Oil Hair mask once I am done using it

COD LIVER OIL- Cod liver oil is widely taken to ease the pain and joint stiffness associated with arthritis.[3] It may have a positive effect on heart,[4][5]bone,[6] as well as helping to repair wounded skin,[7] hair, nails, and teeth.

Cod liver oil and fish oil are similar, but cod liver oil has higher levels of vitamins A and D. People consuming cod liver oil as a source of omega-3 fatty acids should pay attention to how much vitamin A and vitamin D this adds to their diet.[8][9]
Cod liver oil may be an effective complementary measure for long-term treatment of multiple sclerosis.[10]
Use of cod liver oil during pregnancy is associated with lower risk of Type I diabetes in the offspring.[11] (although see adverse effects below). This effect was found only in mothers taking cod liver oil, not in mothers taking multivitamin supplements. Cod liver oil taken by nursing mothers improves the breast milk by increasing the amount of fatty acids, which promotes brain development, and the amount of vitamin A, which helps prevent infections, but the level of vitamin D is unchanged.
A Norwegian study of more than 68,000 women reported that female cancer patients who took daily cod-liver oil supplements had significantly reduced mortality (25% for all cancers, 45% for lung cancer) compared to women who did not take such supplements.[12][13]

Cod Liver Oil Hair mask Recipe

 Mix cod-liver oil with burdock oil, one vitellus and lecithin. Heat oils in boiling-water bath, mix with vitellus, take away and condense, add lecithin. Use for slipping hair.
You can create your own recipies, remember the keystones: use high quality products; heat oils; muffle up your hair during a procedure.  


  1. What is lecithin? Where can I get it? What do you mean by condense? Could you explain the recipe in simple terms. How much oil ? Thank you for your asistance.

  2. What is lecithin? Where can I get it? What do you mean by condense? Could you explain the recipe in simple terms. How much oil ? Thank you for your asistance.

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