Sunday, July 22, 2012

In the beginning there was light.....

In the beginning there was light....and thus the beginning of my journey...I  intend to provide as best as possible my first hand experiences, tips, products, and styling/hair care regimens as a New Naturalista!! I stopped getting perms on July 16, 2011 and Big Chopped on February 24, 2012, and have yet to look back. I know I am not the first nor the last to say this...but Big Chopping is a big exciting, scary, and exhilarating feeling. It is definitely not for the "faint of heart". But once you take the scissors or razor (I was having a Britney Spears moment, Hey Britney!!) and begin to cut off the straight hair you realize OMG! what have I done?! But once the initial shock wears off and you have a mini fashion show in front of your mirror you realize that going natural requires Confidence and most importantly Love of Self....So here is to being Fierce and Confident even if I can feel the wind beneath my wings...ears...eyebrows...and the back of my newly shaved neck!

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